Tuesday, August 27, 2013

After a lonnng hiatus.....I'm back!!!!

Hello All!

I know I've been horribly MIA and for that my heartfelt apologies! The simple truth is that between my full-time career, and pursuing another passion of mine which is figure competitions, there was simply very little time or creative energy left over to write.  But I am definitely living proof that persistence and hard work pays off in time.  I have achieved a milestone in both my career as a professor and as a figure competitor, and as a result, I now have time this year to work on several exciting projects and also return to writing again.  I have certainly missed the characters I've penned over the years, and bringing to life all of the ideas bouncing around in my head.  So I'm definitely looking forward to returning to my little corner in my office, in front of my desktop.  As for all of you who wondered where I'd gone and if I'd be back, thanks for being patient with me.  I can tell you some exciting projects are underway. For those wondering about Jason, and the final(?) installment in the Downing Brothers Series, stay tuned! I am also hard at work on Book Three in the Heroes and Harlots series as well as All Work and No Play-Book Three in the Red Velvet Rope Series. And in 2014, I return to my historical settings of Ancient Sparta and Rome, to pen the second installments of The Spartan Chronicles and The Order of the Oath. In general you can expect some changes this year. I definitely plan to be more active online and in touch with all of my readers, so bear with me through the growing pains of the next few weeks, because some exciting new changes are in store, cause I'm back baby!!!!

1 comment:

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

Apparently, you dont:
Satan is using you to
draw U.S. (and other risque/
ignorant writers) into the
depths of Hellfire by saying
'This is ok' when your works
condemn you. Better repent, dear.